Celebrity Run-In: Michael Crichton

My sister called me this morning and told me Michael Crichton was going to be signing books at the Wal-Mart in Euless, and she’d heard about it on the local radio station. So we blazed out there after work and got in line. I bought myself a book as well as one for my sister, since she told me about it. He’s every bit as cool as I thought he’d be.


At first, while shaking his hand, I asked him if I could come around back and get a picture taken with him. His security guard said, “No, no, move on please.” Then Michael looked up as I was walking away and said, “Did you want a picture with me? That’s fine, come on back here, Space.” So I went back and got the shot. That was pretty bad ass of him. You know he probably wouldn’t just do that for anyone. But since he knew I’d be writing about it on a major website, he was cool with it. Well, that, and plus we’re old friends too.

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