Finally, Hitchhiker’s Released on DVD

Today is a great day for mankind. And dolphins. Yes, my Earth friends, today was the release of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on DVD. Please notice I’ve made a convenient link to the movie at Amazon on that image, so you can order your own copy of the film.

Hitchhiker's Guide DVD!This film I think was underrated in a big way. I don’t think it was the best film ever made, by any means. And I think there were parts that could have been done a lot better, had they not sucked the humor right out of them like an Arcturan Mega Vacuum. But I do think it’s worthy of watching, and – well, for me, owning a copy or two.

You see, these were my favorite books growing up. I’ve read them so many times I can actually quote large sections of them. When Mostly Harmless came out in, what, 1992? – I was ecstatic. When Salmon of Doubt came out, I was giddy like a little girl. But I digress. We’re talking about the movie. So anyway, loving these books so much, and modeling a lot of my thoughts and ideas about science fiction after Douglas Adams’s style, one could almost say part of my imaginative life revolved around them. So it was quite an exciting day when I learned it was coming to the theaters. I went and saw it several times (actually, once) in the theater, and several more times (once more) in the dollar theater behind my house. Then I bought the movie poster to adorn my office wall, reminding me that this glorious day, September 13th, I’d have my own copy of the movie.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that it was more that it was a momentous occasion that the movie came out, than it was that the movie was so great. You know what I mean? Just having another installment – another facet of the series, well that’s good enough for me. Now hopefully they’ll make a sequel.

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